I fucking hate cops!!!!

For the record, I have never liked cops. They are some straight up bitch made motherfuckers. The upcoming republican convention in NYC guarentees that these bitches will be out in force fucking with people over bullshit instead of stopping serious shit.

The reason for this rant, the cops were doing random mass stopages in NYC in preparation for the Republican National Convention (like we don’t have enough bullshit here already). So I get pulled over with 5 other cars for nearly an hour while they run IDs and plates. I didn’t have a problem with that. I am all for trying to stop the next fucking attack here however one dumb ass cop writes me a citation for an expired registration and then realizes that the reg was in order but had to give me the ticket anyway because he had already started to write it out. I am like what kinda dumb shit is that. Now I gotta spend time to xerox and send proof that my shit was in order so I don’t have to pay a fine. Fuck COPS. Eat a dick or a bullet you fucking donut pirates. I hate them motherfuckers.

I usually smile when I hear about one of them getting shot. I hope they all catch a fucking bullet. Eat a dick you bitches!!!

*End of rant. I had a bad day*

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