My daughter won’t bail me out!!

I finally was able to jump on someone’s unsecured wireless connection to sate my internet withdrawal while on vacation. I had gotten hooked on Torrents lately and have been downloading movies and TV shows like crazy. I mentioned to my kids that I gonna download the Spongebob Movie since I missed it when their moms took them to see it while I was at work. All of a sudden my 6 year old daughter breaks into tears and starts crying. “Nooooo! Daddy don’t do it. You are gonna go to jail. Grandma said that it is illegal and I don’t want you to go to jail. Also Grandma said that God doesn’t like when you steal, and downloading is stealing”.

Now at this point I start laughing because Grandma is the most bootleg video buying person I know. She ain’t been to a real movies in years. lol. Anyways, I tell my daughter that “they don’t send people to jail for bootlegging, they just make them pay a fine”. At this point she calms down a bit.

“And even if they did send me to jail you would come bail me out, right”? She looks at me with a straight face, serious as a heartattack and says “it depends on how much I have to pay”.

I swear she will be lucky if I pay to send her lil ass to trade school.

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